Sun Tanning – Ways to prevent


Sun Tanning

How to prevent tanning is the most searched question on Google. Tanning is the problem that at some point in their life they faced. And it is just a thing to say in public that they do not care but at some point, they care. If you ask people, how to get rid of tanning then everyone tells their own method. It is up to you which method you choose and being stick to it.

Some people think in a way that skin tanning is good. They take it in a way that the black layer that creates on the top most of your skin is beneficial for you at some point. That layer protects you and your skin from being exploited. But this is not the correct way to look at it. That tanned layer that you think is beneficial for you is actually bad for your skin. It stops all the nutrients that your skin needs. It also makes your skin dry and harsh, if you neglect to take proper remedy for it.

Some people enjoy being tanned. They take it as their body color combination. They do not want to look at it in a way that it is something bad.

sun tanning

Before proceeding with the remedies we should at least know that what are the reasons which are causing skin tanning. Sun is the main reason for skin tanning. There is no other vitamin better than sunlight. But there is some fixed time when the sunlight is at the peak of giving vitamins and other benefits to you. Nothing can beat the early morning sunlight. If you take the sunlight right after rising the sun then it directly absorbs all the nutrients giving by the sunlight. That sunlight is the medicine to many of your problems. Now which sunlight of which time frame is causing the tanning?

So, the sun is at its peak from 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon. At that time if you are in direct contact with the sun then it will cause you sun tanning. The worst part or thing that you can do is to go to the pool in that time frame. Because that direct contact with the sunlight and a combination of water is the fastest way to get tanned.

These are all some of the major things that are causing you to tan. Now, we will see what precautions you can take to protect yourself from being tanned.


  • Avoid direct connection of your skin with the sun. When you are going out in the peak sun hours discussed above then try to cover the parts of your body too which are in direct contact with the sunlight. Better to take an umbrella with cover your body with the clothes.
  • Use sunscreen. Before going out in a sunny day, apply sun screen to your whole body. Some people feel uncomfortable in applying the sun screen but is really helpful in protecting them from tanning.
  • Along with the sun screen use moisturizer when ever you are going to the pool. Try to go to the pool that is under some shed and not directly in the sunlight.

Sometimes even your sweat can make the skin dark. You need to identify whether it is sweat or tanned skin. To know this, when you are taking a bath then try to rub your skin with a scrubber. Try it for about a month. If it was sweat then it should be removed or if it was that tanned skin then it will remain as it is.

Sun Tanning – Remedies

This part comes when you have not taken all the necessary precautions and now your skin becomes tanned. Now you are in search of some remedy in order to get a cure from it. We will not discuss some special remedy that is never discussed before. All the remedies are taken from people’s past experiences only. I am sure some of them you have also heard some where previously. The main problem is that you do not stick to any one of the remedies. You switch among the remedies too fast without even waiting for legitimate time. Remedies for problems like these needs time to process. If you keep on doing the same things then forget about the result. So, it’s a humble request to stick to any one of the remedies till you get rid of it. Just believe the process. Now we will start with the remedies.

sun tanning

  • Curd + Gram Flour – Take this combination and scrub it on the parts of your skin where you are seeing the tanning. To this right before taking a bath. Take this mixture and gently rub on your skin for 3-4 minutes and after that wash it with water.
  • Curd + Wheat + Granulated wheat – this is also one of the mixtures that help you to get rid of tanning. The method of using this mixture is the same as using the above one.
  • Include vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin C is the most useful vitamin in the body. If you are having basic tanning or if tanning just started then it can be cured sometimes by taking a proper care of diet only. So, on a way of improving the diet try to focus on the vitamin C first.
  • Try to remain moisturized all day. Being moisturized helps you to not even get skin tanned even if you are in direct contact with the sun. Some people does not feel comfortable in applying the moisturizer as it feels heavy through out until you remove it with water. But today in the market there are number of moisturizers available. Get a moisturizer that you think will suit you.

This is all about skin tanning. Hope you got a basic idea about why do you get skin tanning. What precautions you can take? And what are the remedies for it to get rid of it completely? Try to focus on a small part that stick to any one remedy. Even if you do not pick up any remedy from this article then what ever remedy you are following just follow that and believe in that process.

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